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SubjectGradeTitleDescriptionLinkDate Added
Technology Studies4-12Turtles and Python Data ScienceLearning about pandas Data Frames by drawing with a Python turtleClick2020-04-21
English Language Arts5Story Plot GeneratorEncourage students to write different stories by generating a story starterClick2020-10-23
Science5Block-Based Computer ScienceIntroduction to Computer Science with Block-Based Code and PythonClick2021-04-12
Social Studies5-9Capitals CitiesCreate an interactive map of the capital cities in CanadaClick2020-10-23
Science8Water Well LocationsMapping water well locations in AlbertaClick2021-02-05
Health11CALM: Moving OutA CALM 20 project on the finances of moving out on your ownClick2020-04-21
Mathematics11Budget and Banking AssignmentSolve problems that involve personal budgetsClick2020-02-04
Mathematics11Statistics ProjectA statistical research project for high school math studentsClick2020-08-29

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